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Hungry to Learn – Spotlight on Andy

对于澳门网赌大全网址科技公司的项目工程师安迪来说,没有标准的一天. One day he’s working from home on a new SharePoint rollout, 下一秒他就可能把100磅重的备用电池装进客户端的网络机架. Andy is ready for whatever the task the day calls for, 无论是花几个小时开车去现场工作, or sitting comfortably at his desk. Andy在Bellwether的职业生涯始于10多年前,当时他大学毕业后不久就开始担任服务台技术员. He spent a […]

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Keeping the Plates Spinning – Spotlight on Lauren

IT职业并不是明确为工程师和技术专家保留的. For people like Lauren, who is a business analyst at Bellwether, 如果你愿意投身其中,学习新事物,即使没有IT背景,你也可以出类拔萃. 在她的职位上,包括记录所有的Bellwether内部流程, 劳伦用她对学习的热爱来弄清楚事情是如何运作的, understand the process, and see where improvements can be made. “I’m constantly learning,” Lauren explained. “I absorb as much as I can, put the pieces together, 并成为技术和面向客户之间的桥梁或翻译[…]

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The Power of Shared Knowledge – Spotlight on Gary

According to Gary, 澳门网赌大全网址科技的超能力是组织中每个人共享信息的方式. Whether the communication takes the form of client meetings, one-to-one discussions with colleagues, or creating documentation, the outcome is that people gain understanding. 理解是建立联系和促进前进的必要条件. Gary是Bellwether的项目资源人员,在他为公司工作的28年里,他为客户推动了许多向前发展, colleagues, and his own professional career. 自从他在[…]开始从事IT工作以来,在过去的四十年里,他看到了很多变化。

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Extreme Dedication – Spotlight on Rodney


Rodney is the Professional Services Manager at Bellwether. 他在IT行业工作了三十多年, with most of those years being at Bellwether. 在他上高中的时候,他的姐夫把他带进了科技世界,他对计算机产生了兴趣. 他发现自己热爱这份工作,但他在it行业的职业生涯几乎没有起飞. 罗德尼正要走出家门,去温蒂餐厅当主管,这时他接到了波科·斯洛斯的电话, owner of Bellwether, which was called ComputerLand at the time. Poco […]

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Cultivating the Human Element of IT – Spotlight on Jennifer

Spotlight on Jennifer

IT行业的专业人士明白他们的工作不仅仅是关于技术问题. They also interact with the people behind the devices, 除了解决电脑问题,这还包括培养人际关系. After building a long career in the industry, Bellwether Technology support specialist, 詹妮弗知道,帮助别人解决技术问题的最好方法通常是从倾听他们的挫败感开始, so they feel heard. “I hate to be on the end of a computer that’s having problems, so I understand the frustration,” Jennifer explains. “If there’s something I can do to help that person’s […]

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Space to Learn – Spotlight on Ryan

Space to learn - spotlight on Ryan

在开始在Bellwether的服务台工作之前,Ryan已经用PowerShell来处理个人任务好几年了. 尽管当时创建自动化技术并不在他的工作描述中, 他很想知道自己能用PowerShell做些什么,并要求给他一个实验的机会. What he received was space to learn. Fast forward to the present, 作为一名安全自动化工程师,Ryan每天都在PowerShell中工作. 你可能会说发现这个应用程序让Ryan找到了他的使命,但他不仅仅是一个粉丝. He’s fanatic […]

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Here to Help – Spotlight on Ross

Here to Help Employee Spotlight on Ross

There’s often an audible sigh of relief heard over the phone, 当罗斯回应客户的支持请求时,另一端的人知道他们的问题会得到解决……很快. 作为Bellwether的支持专家,Ross整天为客户解决问题. The pace is fast as he moves from problem to problem, ranging from a simple password reset to a networking issue, but he loves it and can’t imagine doing anything else. 罗斯很享受每天带来的变化,他觉得公司把他陷害了……

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Shaping His Own Destiny – Spotlight on Steve G.

Shaping his own destiny - spotlight on Steve G

Steve G. 是Bellwether Technology软件开发团队的Scrum Master吗. Scrum是一个框架,可以帮助开发团队一起工作,创建解决复杂问题的产品. Steve’s role is focused on moving the team forward. 他从涉众那里获取即将到来的需求和输入,并将其提炼成合理的工作块供开发团队处理. On a day-to-day basis, you’ll find Steve facilitating meetings, gathering information, communicating to stakeholders, and finding answers to questions. 他的活动类似于项目经理的活动——他当然是在管理项目——但使用的是Scrum, how the team […]

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Always Thorough, Always Prepared – Spotlight on Brian

Brian is known for being thorough. 无论是改造网络柜的布线,还是在问题被问到之前就得到答案, Brian likes to be prepared. 作为Bellwether的升级工程师,这种品质很好地服务于他,最终的结果是客户感到被照顾. According to Brian, 有很多因素结合在一起,创造了一种客户体验,让人们感到被倾听和关注. One is the personal interaction. When he’s troubleshooting an issue, 他喜欢直接去找个人,和他们交谈,以找出确切的[…]

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Account Management with Integrity – Spotlight on Michele

Spotlight on Michele

每一天都不一样,对米歇尔来说都有自己的挑战, 她喜欢这样,因为这样可以让她思考和学习. As an Account Manager at Bellwether, 当客户对他们的Bellwether it服务有任何疑问时,Michele的工作就是成为他们的联系人. 她可能并不总是马上就有答案,但她会找到答案,或者把答案交给有答案的人. In her role, Michele与Bellwether的虚拟首席信息官(vCIO)密切合作,以确保沟通渠道[…]

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